
General Information

The provided services are based on tools that we previously developed and shared via GitHub. The purpose of this web server is to enable biologists without bioinformatics skills to benefit from these tools.

All services are provided free of charge under the GNU GPLv3, but without any warranty. Please cite the corresponding publications when using this web server for your studies.

While we aim to maintain this web server for the foreseeable future, some services may be discontinued without prior notice. Many thanks to de.NBI for their excellent support!

Here for the first time? For a quick start, please take a look at the tools and example datasets.

When you upload a FASTA file and click "submit", a job is scheduled for execution on our server. Once the necessary computational resources are available, the job will be executed. Most jobs should be completed within minutes and our server is capable of running multiple jobs in parallel. Please avoid the submission of unnecessary jobs to protect the environment by reducing energy consumption.

Submitted FASTA files will be stored for the analysis. By submitting your job, you agree to this. Files associated with a completed job are stored for 48 hours to enable the download. Due to limited disk space, we cannot keep your files indefinitely. Please make sure to download your results as soon as possible.

There is an option to accept cookies which allows your browser to keep track of your submitted jobs. This option is recommended if you do not provide an email address. Once the job is completed, a download button will be available to retrieve a compressed archive with all result files.

There is another option to receive a download link via email once your job is completed. If you select this option, you get one email upon successfull submission of your job and one email upon completion. The link in the first email also allows you to check the progress of your job.

Available Tools

  • Name
  • Last updated
  • KIPEs
    Knowledge-based Identification of Pathway Enzymes (KIPEs) performs an automatic annotation of the flavonoid biosynthesis steps in a new transcriptome of genome sequence assembly.
  • MYB_annotator
    This tool performs an automatic identification, annotation, and analysis of the MYB gene family in plants. It can be applied to new transcriptome of genome assemblies.
  • CoExp
    Co-Expression analysis tool
  • bHLH_annotator
    automatic annotation of bHLH gene family in plants
    Neighborhood-Aware Variant Impact Predictor

Feel free to contact us via email if you have any questions or comments related to our tools. Are you missing a feature or one of our tools? Please get in touch! We are planning to extend the collection of offered tools. Learning about the interest in different tools helps us to prioritize the addition of new tools.